Tell us a little bit about Shedesignsheprints?
We’ve known each other since we were both brunettes (the grey’s kicking in now, we’re not gonna lie!) Brian was a printer in the first company I worked in. We stayed friends and after many years of experience decided in 2011 to set up a print and design company together, and so smartimaging was born. Happily situated in Portobello, Dublin 8 our little business stayed afloat, grew, employed people and is now a busy little bespoke print house.
However, always looking for new challenges we decided to put my doodling habit to good use and create a range of greeting cards…so after way too much coffee and chocolate she designs he prints was born. It’s become a fun and important part of our business, especially through lockdown…people went oldschool and starting embracing snail mail. Nothing like getting a card through the letterbox to make you feel special.
Did you train professionally, did it direct you into a particular area?
I trained as a designer for print…bit of a dying art these days as most of the design work is for screen and motion graphics. We love ink on paper, the idea comes out of my head and Brian turns a blank piece of paper into something fantastic, still love seeing my designs coming off the press.
What influences your work, where do you get your inspiration from?
Everything influences my work, from an overheard conversation that makes me laugh to some of the stunning interiors you see on Instagram, magazine spreads. Basically I’m a sponge just pickup ideas from my world.
You use sustainable materials in the making of your products, how do you source them and have you faced challenges?
We love ink on paper, but we’re mad about the planet too. We’ve had a lot of issues with getting a long lasting supply of recycled and sustainable card stocks that we love. Thankfully it’s been worth the research and we now have a network of suppliers that have an ethical and sustainable supply chain. It’s important to us to do business in the right way and make sure that our supply chain is as fair, sustainable and ethical as possible.
What are you currently working on/plans for the future?
Having invested in some new machinery we’re currently developing a range of mugs and totes…very exciting. ….I’ve been coming up with a fun new range that he prints is currently testing. Check out our website in the coming months to catch up with the new range We’ve also developed some lovely notebooks, particularly good for artists as the paper quality inside is high grade uncoated, perfect for sketching.
Shedesignsheprints work features in our Keep Dublin Smiling gift box, you can check it out here
Website www.shedesignsheprints.com
Instagram @shedesignsheprints