About US

"It happened suddenly; our small event management business based in Kerry, went from thriving and optimistic to free fall, seemingly overnight."
Oliver Kirwan - Director of Elite Event Management
Oliver Kirwan
Owner of Elite Event Management

It happened suddenly; our small event management business based in Kerry, went from thriving and optimistic to free fall, seemingly overnight.

Our ‘normal’ work takes place in the world of mass participation sports events. We produce awesome events in iconic locations. We are proud to produce events like the Ring of Beara Cycle Kenmare, the Quest Adventure Series, Ride Dingle and the Wicklow 200 cycle. We love giving people experiences that make them smile.

Then COVID-19, and the measures the Government needed to take to prevent its spread, took almost every one of our events off the table for the foreseeable future.

People planning their route on a map

How many small businesses have had a similar story in the last month?

box of smiles logo

As we thought about our own situation, the similar plight of so many small businesses in our area weighed heavy on us.

We landed on Box of Smiles, Keep Ireland Smiling, influenced by another small event management company on the West Coast of America who are offering a similar innovative solution.

This is a way we can keep our team employed and help other struggling businesses; by delivering a Box of Smiles and by Keeping Ireland Smiling.